Since fall 1993, Coro Vivo has held an annual weekend workshop at the beautiful premises of CAMMAC (Canadian Amateur Musicians/Musiciens amateurs du Canada) in the Laurentian Mountains. On these occasions, the choir hires a guest music director to lead the workshop, including talented directors such as Robert Ingari, Laurence Ewashko, Isabel Bernaus, Robert Filion, Iwan Edwards, Barbara Clark, Mark Sirrett, Lisette Canton and Michael Zaugg.
While we take the training and teaching very seriously, and we sing and sing and sing some more, we also enjoy a bit of fun and frolic.
The polar bear swim was one of the main events, although the participants were not too plentiful. Our “show” on Saturday night is just for us as we entertain each other with limericks, songs, stories and games. There may even be a prank or two.
The themes from the weekend range from “twins” to Halloween. Even our guest conductors get in on the fun. The doors are decorated and the food is good.
By the end of the weekend we are happy, tired and have learned a lot about our music and ourselves.
ps, …… make sure to ask a chorister about the “Piggy Award”, ……